Scrolled Insta yet? Watched ‘just one more’ on YouTube? Caught by the double blue checks on WhatsApp? Or still gearing up for a Netflix binge?
This large mind map (3×15 meters), made for the Dutch festival ‘Let’s talk about US and us’, takes you on a journey through the complex world of the American tech industry. It invites you to critically examine our digital realm and become aware of the worldwide web of influences that shape it.
This unique mind map, shaped like a dome, explores the farms of the future. It is part of the exhibition 'Space Farming' by Next Nature and created together with the Embassy of Food, one of the World Design Embassies by the Dutch Design Foundation. This initiative investigates how design can shape the future of food and the evolving world around it.
This large mind map (3×10 meters), designed for the exhibition ‘Hybrid Tales for Hybrid Times’ by MU Hybrid Art House, explores what it means to be ‘hybrid’, now and in the future.
In this workshop participants become acquainted with dilemmas surrounding algorithms in a playful way.
By drawing an algorithm themselves, participants dive into the ubiquitous algorithms that increasingly influence their daily lives.
Video Series
If machines are learning, who is teaching them?
This project raises awareness to our responsibility for the consequences of the biases we are embedding in the codes that control our systems.
The project consist of a video series.
In each video people go into a conversation with an algorithm. The algorithm asks them all kinds of questions like: What’s your favourite emoji? How do I know when you’re lying? Who should I hire for this job? What is love? The people are instructed to train an unbiased algorithm, but are they able to feed it with unbiased data?
This work was created during a five days prototyping session at MESA in São Paulo (Brazil) led by designer Rogier Klomp with a mixed group of data analysts, coders, anthropologists, film makers, designers and journalists.
Contributors: Carol Leslie, Denis Russo Burgierman, Fernanda Monteiro, Gil Bottari, João França, Hui Jin Park, Letícia Ange Pozza Lucas Terra, Luiz Braz, Michel Alcoforado, Renata Simões, Ze Porto, Rafael Bueno, Felipe Griebel, Giuliana Tatini, Juliana Chies Cainelli and Valentina Ferrari.
Research & Mapping
With this drawing Rogier Klomp tries to get his head around what happened to the internet. David Bowie called the internet in 1999 'an alien life form' and wandered what this technology would do to society. Now twenty years later it seems to have had uniting as well as disrupting effects. It has generated collective intelligence along with group think, open data ànd filter bubbles. It’s now a platform for trust ànd a tool for trolls. Algorithms designed for advertisement heavily influence public debate and amplify our biases. Meanwhile the data explosion is getting more personal. We quantify ourselves and are profiled by others. Our new data self already has a new religion: dataism. Furthermore this map explores how these dynamics in information technology are transferring to bio tech. When the digital ones and zeros will be replaced with or DNA’s A’s, T’s C’s and G’s the implications for society will be unimaginable.
How do you translate an abstract and complex theme into a compelling story or a tangible design? In this workshop participants learn a method to make a step-by-step connection from an abstract theme to the development into a relatable story.
Crowdsourced Animation
A crowdsourcing project on the future of a troubled Europe.
For this project we travelled through the European continent. We spoke to Brexiteers in Manchester, refugees in Thessaloniki, Hungarian anarchists and many other worried Europeans. They all left their stories in our collective film. Everybody can draw in this film. You can let out your frustrations on the EU or draw your hopes for a better Europe.
Go to and draw your own frame.
Propaganda by the People is a project by Rogier Klomp, Arnold van Bruggen and Janneke de Rooij. The project’s developed in the Sandberg@Mediafonds masterclass and is supported by VPRO Tegenlicht and Europe By People.
Animations TV series
The starting point of the TV series Robo Sapiens is the birth of presenter’s Jelle Brandt Corstius' daughter. Jelle follows her imaginary life cycle in the series. Will she still have to work later? Could it be that she gets a relationship with a robot? What does the advance of robots mean for the way in which she forms her identity? And does artificial intelligence ultimately give her eternal life?
Watch the video for a compilation of the animations throughout the series.
Production: VPRO
Animations: Rogier Klomp
Documentary Design & Animations
Whether you will get a job or a mortgage, even who will be released from prison: algorithms are taking over a growing number of the big decisions in our lives. What does a society look like in which we are being steered by big data and computer codes?
Direction: Martijn Kieft
Production: VPRO Tegenlicht
Design & Animations: Rogier Klomp
watch full documentary
Crowdsourced map
What does your Amsterdam look like? This map collects funny, critical, loving and typical names for the neighbourhoods of Amsterdam.
A project by Jan Rothuizen. Additional crowdsourcing features and animations by Rogier Klomp.
In the VPRO documentary ‘Big data: the Shell search’, director Shuchen Tan and designer Rogier Klomp investigate the secret negotiations between Royal Dutch Shell and politics. It concerns a precarious project in Iran. Supported by the Dutch government, Shell pushes de boundaries of international law.
The documentary is an example of data-driven journalism in which large amounts of data are used as a source for storytelling and analysis. Klomp’s animations combine investigative journalism with design, thus making important information understandable to a wide audience. For this work, Klomp was nominated for the Dutch Design Awards.
This project was part of the Mediafonds@Sandberg masterclass.
Media Research & Animation
Masters Of The Media is an animated documentary about media monopoly. Six companies. Six truths. The countdown starts...
This short film was screened at several international film festivals and museums including DOK Leipzig, Beirut Animated and FOAM Amsterdam.
Director: Rogier Klomp
Screenplay: Bart-Jan Kazemier
Production: This is Propaganda
Sound: De Auditieve Dienst
Voice Over: Michael Harrigan
Visual Research
When Google introduced the reverse image search feature designer Rogier Klomp and photographer Bart Dykstra were curious what would happen if they applied this new technology to daily news photographs. This resulted in some unexpected stories.
Images were posted regularly on the blog ‘And Now for Something Completely Similar’ in 2012/2013.
Animation Storyboard
Can democracy survive overpopulation?
Fulltopia is a dystopian animation about a heavily overpopulated Amsterdam in the near future.
As more and more people enter this world, the value of life slowly declines. There’s hardly any space left, and this world has decided that main character John simply takes up too much of it. A short story about the limits of our tolerance.
This storyboard is funded by the Dutch Film Fund.
Script: Bart-Jan Kazemier
Storyboard: Rogier Klomp